I graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Computational Mathematics. I moved to North Carolina to work for IBM <blah blah blah...boring stuff about hardware simulators here> and eventually moved on to a Smalltalk group doing <blah blah blah...boring stuff about router configuration here>. I left for Broadband Technologies where I was the Lead Developer of the Smalltalk User Interface and Gemstone Database code. Now I have found my niche in HTML/CSS moving pixels and creating wonderful websites.
I am an expert in HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, and PHP. I have worked on small to large websites. I have written responsive websites from scratch and converted old static websites to be responsive. I have written learning management systems with PHP/mySQL. I understand cross-browser compatibility issues and all the trouble IE6 IE11 Safari can cause. I write clean, standards-compliant code that is easy to maintain.
Please view my resume and portfolio.
Programming disciplines I am passionate about
MVC in particular.
- Separation of data (database) and framework (html) and presentation (css) and behavior (javascript)
And good heavens, don't put your mysql querys in my UI.
- Easy to use, consistent and accessible user interfaces
- Accessibility
Every website needs a skip link.
- Use cases
Actually, documentation of any kind.
- Semantic html
Tables are for tabular data.
- Scalability
Just because your website works fine with one user logged in doesn't mean it won't choke when 1000 are logged in.
- Performance
Smart performance, in particular. There is no reason to optimize CSS selectors if all the images are huge.
- Favicons
Every website deserves a favicon!
I have experience in
- html
- css / sass
- accessibility
- responsive websites
- javascript / jQuery
- php
- mySQL
- json / xml / REST apis
- cross browser issues
- git
- vagrant
- gulp / grunt
- npm / webpack / vite
- vue animation / greensock / gsap
- ferpa / coppa
Frameworks I have used
- vuejs 3 / composition api / pinia
- nuxt
- kohana
- perch cms
- wordpress
- bootstrap
- modx
- silverstripe
- cakePHP
- expressionEngine
- codeIgniter
I have written a form module for Kohana to create form/label pair wrapped in a div. It is lightweight, easy to use, and makes creating forms much easier.